Prevent and solve conflicts
- Learn how to prevent & solve conflicts with our new conflict-resolution course in english
After a long wait Medlingscentrum can finally present our new educational assortment held in english. We recognize that there is a lot of organizations out there who have a wide pool of employees who do not speak swedish, therefore we wanted to give you a chance to create the best possible conditions to prevent conflicts as well as build a stronger team.
Half/full-day course in conflict-resolution
Our course gives you a holistic view of conflict resolution at work. Our main goal is to create a shared view amongst HR and leaders within your organization that work with issues within organizational and social work environment. After occasion one, all the participants will have tools to understand, prevent and handle conflicts and problems that might occur within the team.
Course – content:
How to understand conflicts: What is good co-operation? How does a conflict escalate and what appropriate solutions are there depending on the magnitude of the conflict?
Modes of conflict and responsibilities: Co-workers, safety representatives, managers and HRs different responsibilities to handle minor and major conflicts.
How to prevent conflicts: It is up to the manager to catch early signs of a conflict at work as well as handling them. During this course we will present practical tools for this.
Handling conflicts: Learn how to handle minor conflicts with the help of mediation. We show you the theory behind the technique as well as practicing with the guidance of experienced mediators (only included in the full-day course)
After the course all participants will have concrete tools to prevent conflicts within the workforce. They will be able to assess and present adequate solutions to prevent or handle a conflict. With this knowledge your organization will build for the future and creates a robust culture that thrives with the help of dissent, diversity of opinion and conflicts.
Short films:
- with english subtitle -
Active subtitle by pressing play, then activate fullscreen and click on the cogwheel icon (⚙️).
There you will find a header called “undertext/textning”, click that & choose english.